Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner
Washburn University
Topeka, KS
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg, KS
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
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Cassie Vilander, FNP-C, is an emergency care provider and hospitalist at Amberwell Hiawatha. Prior to joining Amberwell, Cassie had over fifteen years’ experience in the healthcare field, her professional roots being in the emergency department and trauma care. Throughout her career, she has served in a variety of roles that have helped her develop a broad range of skills and expertise. One of her accomplishments was to develop a training program for nurse practitioners interested in specializing in trauma surgery. Cassie’s passion for rural healthcare comes from her own experiences growing up in a small community and serving as an ER provider in Holton, Kansas.
Cassie is a third-generation nurse, and so a career in healthcare was a natural choice for her. She originally wanted to become a mental health nurse practitioner because of her experience running a children’s psychosocial group in a mental health center while she was in high school. “Then I did a rotation in the ER during nursing school,” said Cassie, “and fell in love with it. I’ve loved being in the ER ever since.”
Cassie is married to a former Marine and a stepson. The family has two dogs and a cat. Cassie spends a lot of time with her nephew, cheering him on at his baseball games and tournaments. She has a very special bond with him.
In their free time, she and her husband enjoy going to rock concerts. She also relaxes with a good book every chance she gets.
300 Utah Street
Hiawatha, KS 66434
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