Amberwell Pharmacy now offers FREE prescription delivery services—we bring your medications right to your door!
This service is available for those within the Atchison, Hiawatha, Effingham, Lancaster, Everest, Horton, Highland, and Troy city limits, with prescriptions originating from either our Amberwell Atchison or Amberwell Hiawatha pharmacy locations. The schedule is as follows:
Atchison: Daily, Monday through Friday
Hiawatha: Daily, Monday through Friday
Effingham: Tuesday and Friday
Lancaster: Monday and Thursday
Everest: Monday and Thursday
Horton: Monday and Thursday
Highland: Tuesday and Friday
Troy: Tuesday and Friday
This service is perfect for patients with limited mobility, parents with little ones, those who are homebound, or those feeling under the weather.
Call 913-367-1654 in Atchison or 785-742-6190 in Hiawatha to get your prescriptions scheduled for delivery!