One-on-One Breastfeeding Support
Amberwell Atchison and Amberwell Hiawatha offer one-on-one breastfeeding support that is available to the public, even if you did not deliver at an Amberwell location. The breastfeeding clinics are conducted by certified lactation counselors and trained obstetrics nurses and are open to parents who are breastfeeding, pumping, or bottle feeding babies of all ages. Sessions are by appointment only.
Parents are encouraged to call if you have questions about breastfeeding, are having difficulty breastfeeding, want to see how much milk the baby transfers in one feeding or how much weight the baby is gaining.
Amberwell Atchison
800 Raven Hill Drive
Atchison, KS 66002
Amberwell Hiawatha
300 Utah Street
Hiawatha, KS 66434
Guidelines for Nursing Mother
Nursing Mothers Guidelines
Breastfeeding Basics Class
Discover the joys of breastfeeding
Childbirth Education Classes
Both Amberwell Atchison and Amberwell Hiawatha offer free Childbirth Education Classes. Whether this is your first baby or your fifth, there is always something new and exciting to learn that will help you prepare to welcome your newborn baby into the world. The class is offered several times a year and is taught by obstetric nurses who enjoy sharing their knowledge and experience in a fun, interactive classroom setting. The class is FREE.
Benefits of Breast Milk for Baby
Breast milk gives babies a healthy start. It contains all the nutrients newborns need during the first six months of life, including easily absorbed proteins, fats, and vitamins as well as live antibodies from the mother’s immune system. The antibodies protect babies from germs and infection, causing fewer instances of indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation. Other possible health benefits for breastfed babies include a reduced number of ear infections, respiratory illnesses, food allergies, and lower rates of sudden infant death syndrome. Additionally, breast milk contains critical nutrients that aid in brain development, nerve growth, and epidermal growth factors.
Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom
Breastfeeding also provides a number of health benefits for moms, including
- A stronger physical bond between mother and child
- A reduced risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, and certain types of cancers
- A natural weight loss as nursing burns about five hundred extra calories a day to build and maintain a milk supply